Ganti bantalan rem kanggo menehi perhatian babagan produsen brake sing otomatis otomotif karo panjelasan rinci

Brake pad running-in as far as possible to use the fractional point brake, in the running-in period as far as possible not to use the sudden brake; Bantalan rem sawise mlaku-mlaku isih kudu ngliwati wektu nutup sawetara atus kilometer kanggo entuk asil sing apik.

Padang rem mobil yaiku bagean sing kudu digunakake sawise sawetara wektu utawa mileage tartamtu. After the replacement of the brake pads, the contact surface of the new brake pads and the brake disc may not be very good, which may affect the braking performance of the car, and in serious cases, brake failure will occur. The newly replaced brake pads need to be run in, which is to better match the brake disc, so as to achieve better braking effect. Produsen cake mobil rem mobil kanthi sampeyan mbukak ing bantalan rem.

Wektu kirim: Feb-13-2025